Saturday, April 7, 2018

I HEAR THE LORD SAY that many have been focused on the global warming but do not be deceived for in this day you must focus on the GLOBAL AWAKENING! Don’t allow the distractions and cares of this world to cause your spiritual senses and discernment to miss the GREATEST AWAKENING occurring all over the world as MY KINGDOM is established and expanding globally.
I am releasing the Elisha anointing to focus on the return of My SON YESHUA MESSIAH, your KING. Don’t try to hold on to the things of this world for the form of this world is perishing, PASSING AWAY (1 Corinth 7:31 & 1 John 2:7); give way, YIELD to MY ETERNAL KINGDOM reign. NOT every battle in this season is for you. YOU MUST SEE THE SON in this season and become ATTRACTED to THE EXALTED ONE. You must SEE HIM higher than any kingdom or government of this world. As you look to Him, I AM releasing DIVINE STRATEGIES OF WAR.
The enemy of your soul has beefed up the distractions to deter, defer and detour you on rabbit trails causing you to run from one happening to another, draining you and causing you to lose focus ON MY REALITY - what I AM releasing and doing on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
BE vigilant about SEEING FROM MY PERSPECTIVE AND WHAT HEAVEN IS DOING. Set yourself free from the chatter of this world so YOU CAN HEAR HEAVEN’S ROAR CRY AND SOUND. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HEART’s POSTURE OF PRAYER, PRAISE AND WORSHIP in the midst of My heavenly hosts.
THE SOUNDS OF WORSHIP CONFUSE the enemy and in that place I AM RELEASING KINGDOM STRATEGIES that defy gravity and the elements of this fallen world. See walls crumble down and shadows fade into the darkness. See that this is the SEASON that I SHALL DO IT FOR YOU as YOU KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME for I AM YOUR REALITY.
I AM SIFTING AND SEPARATING and yes there is much clamor BUT I AM NOT IN THE MIDST OF THE CLAMOR. The enemy is in the midst of the clamor for it is a smoke bomb that will clear up until he releases the next smoke bomb. He is the author of lies and have no power, just the appearance of illusion. PRAY, INTERCEDE, CRY OUT AND WORSHIP ME from the HEAVENS for some things MUST COME TO PASS TO USHER IN THE KING OF GLORY’S return.
Elisha focused on Elijah (the old passing away to give birth to the new) and received a double portion. I AM RELEASING DOUBLE PORTIONS to those who are FOCUSED ON ME AND WHAT I AM DOING. Yeshua Messiah kept His focus on ME as He lived on earth and ALWAYS KNEW WHERE TO GO, WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY! HE KEPT HIS FOCUS ON ME and taught His disciples to KEEP THEIR EYES ON HIM!!!
TRUST ME with all your heart and YOU SHALL SEE MY SALVATION in every area of your life. This is the season to POSTURE YOURSELF (stand, sit, kneel, lay) for I AM JEHOVAH- NISSI, THE BANNER OVER YOU (Exodus 14:14; Deut. 1:30).
Moses said to Joshua, "Select some men for us, and go fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the hilltop with God's staff in my hand." JOSHUA DID AS MOSES HAD TOLD HIM, and fought against Amalek, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. While Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, but whenever he put his hand down, Amalek prevailed.
When Moses' hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put [it] under him, and he sat down on it. THAT ROCK REPRESENTED ME – MOSES RESTED UPON ME for his human strength failed him and yours will too.
YOU MUST REST IN / UPON ME in this new season. Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. YOU CAN NOT DO “ALONE” any longer for YOU ARE PART OF MY BODY!!! I shall GUIDE YOU BY MY SPIRIT and have selected men, women and angels to assist you in this your new season!
“So Joshua defeated Amalek and his army with the sword. The Lord then said to Moses, "Write this down on a scroll as a reminder and recite it to Joshua: I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek under heaven." And Moses built an altar and named it, "The Lord Is My Banner." He said, "Indeed, [my] hand is [lifted up] toward the Lord's throne. The Lord will be at war with Amalek from generation to generation."
Moses held MY staff in his hand and as long as his hands and MY staff were raised, Joshua and the Israelites won the war with the Amalekites. THIS BATTLE WAS ALL ABOUT ME. Joshua, Moses, Aaron, Hur, and the Israelite armies were simply VESSELS I USED and I DESIRE TO USE YOU! The battle was orchestrated by ME, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END! My servant Moses knew this and wanted to make certain the Israelites knew it and remembered it.
I WANT YOU TO KNOW – THE BATTLE IS NOT ABOUT YOU! IT IS NOT EVEN FOR YOU FOR I SEALED YOUR REDEMPTION BY MY BLOOD AND SPIRIT! Nothing that Moses or the army did in the physical realm brought about victory. MY PRESENCE and POWER took them into the battle and ASSURED THE VICTORY when the battle was done!
“I tried to relieve your fears: "Don't be terrified of them. God, your God, is leading the way; he's fighting for you. You saw with your own eyes what he did for you in Egypt; you saw what he did in the wilderness, how God, your God, carried you as a father carries his child, carried you the whole way until you arrived here. But now that you're here, you won't trust God, your God — this same God who goes ahead of you in your travels to scout out a place to pitch camp, a fire by night and a cloud by day to show you the way to go (Deut 1:29-33; THE MESSAGE).”

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Awakening Reality Weekend - May 4-5, 2018

Winds are blowing and shifting in the Carolinas… the water is rising, the gates are open; it’s time to release prophetic utterances and GO.....BEYOND! “We are challenged to see and hear a different way in this season.” (Chuck Pierce)
“God can do anything, you know—far more than (BEYOND) you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it, not by pushing us around, but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes (Ephesians 3:20-21 Msg)!”
The KING OF GLORY is calling an Ecclesia (BEYOND ) Kingdom gathering! Come Five Fold ministry gifts, intercessors, worshipers, altar workers, minstrels, dancers, those who lay before the porch and the altar of the Lord both day and night. Come and be refilled, overflowing to release His Glory BEYOND! Unleash and Release new prophetic sounds of heaven, BEYOND the gates!
Occupy and Advance from your reigning position of authority… going BEYOND limitations! Encounter, Experience and Embrace your new inheritance of dominion seated in the Heavenly place in YESHUA MESSIAH, King of Glory!
Let’s GO BEYOND and experience heaven on earth… GO BEYOND into the Holy Place…. His Presence living from new (BEYOND) dimensions of GLORY and receive…receive…receive YOUR KINGDOM RELEASE of BEYOND, BEYOND, BEYOND.
Register ($49) at Contact Elisabeth (910) 554-2534 or Cyndi (337) 781-4813 for more information.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Be intentional to “GO BEYOND” as we prepare to enter into the month of Nissan and the New Year on the Hebraic calendar! Don’t be afraid to go “BEYOND” and cry out to Me to hunger for BEYOND your understanding. That is where manifold Wisdom dwells.
Revelation lives in the place of Beyond. BEYOND is where My strategic war strategies unfold. I took 12 men “BEYOND” their human wisdom and understanding and exposed them to “BEYOND” until they too embraced their NEW IDENTITY in “BEYOND.”
In this NEW season, the depth of life must “GO BEYOND” your place of comfort. Peter asked to meet Me on the water which took him “BEYOND” human comprehension to see the miraculous. Once he went back in natural thinking and doing, he started sinking. You have been stretched and broken, crossed over and have entered “BEYOND!”
Now that you have entered - dwell there, stay there, stay here and experience, encounter over-the-top…Spirit to spirit life and living. “BEYOND” living is in Me – this is your dwelling place. The shift was an internal shift while creating an external shift.
Look at Paul…he had to be pushed “BEYOND” his human reasoning and then he embraced living from “BEYOND” in constant submission, obedience and communion in ME. I became his world within this world. I desire to be your world in this world. STEP OUT with ME and enter your NEW PLACE of dominion in ME!
I love you…..and I believe in you. Come, let us walk on the waters of “BEYOND!”
“Peter, suddenly bold, said, "Master, if it's really you, call me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come ahead. "Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, "Master, save me!" Jesus didn't hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, "Faint-heart, what got into you? (Matt 14:28-31; THE MESSAGE:)”


Sharing a past post...
Many thoughts are going through my spirit. I feel as Paul writing to his companions and desiring to impart all that Holy Spirit is revealing to him to prepare, warn others.
The reality is now the REALITY! I AM – I am going to Israel impregnated with Yeshua Messiah – the WORD OF GOD! My prayer is that you will look and see that nothing is too hard for God! Dream big and go after His plans for you! Don’t let nothing stop you from walking in the promises He has given you until they become YOUR REALITY!
Joseph spoke of his dream but did not stop pursuing God while circumstances looked contrary to the dream. There is the lesson…keep on seeking God and THERE SHALL BE A FULFILLMENT OF THAT WHICH HE HAS SPOKEN!!! Seek Him, seek first HIS KINGDOM and then seek HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and ALL these things….What things – these things! What are these things? The promises He has spoken to you, whispered into your spirit, given you dreams and visions of, showed you as a child HIS engraved promises in your DNA!
Have you forgotten that the blessings of the Lord make you rich and He adds NO SORROWS to them? Have you forgotten that HE DILIGENTLY REWARDS those who seek Him with ALL their heart, mind, soul and yes, your energy?!!! What does that look like to you? What does that mean to you? It may look different to you than to someone else and THAT’s OK, pursue Him in you!!!! Give it all you have and He will make up the rest! He is everything you lack! He takes up the slack! If you do not have the faith – HE IS FAITHFUL – ask HIM to help your unbelief!!! If you need joy – ask HIM for JOY for the joy of THE LORD is your strength!!!
Our God is able and DOES EXCEEDINGLY ABOVE all you can ask or think (Ephes 3:20)!!! You are asking for the wrong stuff! Don’t ask for things!!! ASK FOR HIM and the things come!!! They must BECAUSE HE SAID SO!!!
WHAT IS THAT BURNING DESIRE IN YOU? It is Him within passionately burning to turn you to the path HE has carved for you in HIS DNA in you! Do you resist and lean into your own (soulish) understanding? Joseph did and had to stop! He surrendered, yielded and allowed God to lead Him wherever He wanted to including to prison and a famine! But God prepared Joseph and HE IS PREPARING YOU! Where are you willing to allow God to lead you? Holy Spirit led Yeshua into the wilderness and even though Yeshua was the Son of God, He LEARNED OBEDIENCE through the THINGS HE SUFFERED (Heb 5:8). YESHUA went willingly. How about you or are you complaining about your wilderness? If you are a son of God you will LEARN OBEDIENCE through the THINGS YOU SUFFER!!! EMBRACE your wilderness and learn to live there so you can come out before you die there!!!
I HAVE TO stop writing and go seeking – seeking who? THE KING OF GLORY AND HIS KINGDOM within me…. I have to GET GOING!!!!
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met (Matt 6:33;MESSAGE).

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Apostolic Teams and Companies

Since I have been teaching on this subject over the last few weeks in our School of Ministry and web stream, I decide to write a condensed version as a blog so more people can have these insights.
We see in the Bible, that there were apostolic teams sent into regions to bring impact and that Paul traveled with a company of people as well.  Let me first say that all apostolic teams/companies always travel with an apostolic leader. Apostles lead these teams with strategy and vision and a deep knowing of the overall destiny and assignment of the group. Apostolic teams focus on pioneering movements. They cultivate a set of core values that empower such a movement. Apostles gather other fivefold ministries to come alongside and travel into a region with the intention of aligning that region with Kingdom dynamics and to leave a deposit behind that would have an ongoing effect. That team is decided based on what grace gift is needed to create the impact.
At times, along with these teams, there might be an apostolic company. The company is made up of those of same passions and understanding to help model the overall value being imparted. They are already moving in the overall movement and come to demonstrate that for others to see. They speak the same things and articulate the core values. Apostolic teams and companies are not easily formed or brought into existence. They require great investment and long term investment to be able to carry the same vision, heart and voice. The greater the time of developing, the greater the effectiveness that will be seen.
Sometimes both an apostolic team and company are needed to bring the shift that is required. The team is made up of those carrying the message by the breath of God and the company is there to reinforce that message. Generally the team has seasoned fivefold people that are also seasoned in the message. The company will be those who have been impacted by the message and are possibly future leaders. All apostolic teams are part of the company but not all the company is part of an apostolic team due to overall calling and grace function.
Apostolic teams are focused. Apostolic teams are not apostolic because the team members are prophets or apostles but because they are apostolically led. We easily see this pattern in the scriptures and we don’t see teams or companies being sent without apostolic oversight. Apostolic teams must understand God’s strategy for the present moment of time. That strategy is then released into the company formed under them. The team is built to establish the Kingdom and the company is supporting their endeavors.
If an apostolic team is sent into a region by God that means God is endeavoring to release new Kingdom dynamics into that region. He brings a group of men and women either by team or company to show the depth of how important the message is that they are carrying. If God has sent such a group, then He must have a tremendous desire for that region to embrace that message. He has prepared hearts in advance of the team or company coming to embrace that message. The apostolic team knows the right timing and season that is occurring so they know when to go with the right message.
What makes the team and company dynamic effective is how they move in faith when they go into a new region. This faith walk they have has already been cultivated and has been challenged by the apostolic leader. The apostle may not fully know the way the vision will occur but does see the vision in fullness. The apostle is going by faith and expects the company/team to do so as well. This allows the Holy Spirit to be depended on and for faith to be activated. The team/company trusts the apostolic leader even though they may not fully see or understand. This empowers the apostle to move to greater dynamics of faith thus releasing the team to move deeper as well. This is the empowering to shift a region or city by released authority and faith creating Kingdom in places not seen before.
These apostolic teams and companies can only truly function in fullness in areas they have been invited or sent by God directly to break something open. Generally the apostle has a deep knowing in their spirit of the intentions of God. They mobilize those under them to fulfill this intention. The apostle trains them knowing what is required to do the assignment. This training is by instruction, activating, and by having vision for the individual knowing how they fit the overall plan of God locally. The local training is the proving point for being part of a team or company to be sent out later.
Some of the main things an apostolic company will do are confront principalities over regions. They discern the things opposing the move of God and confront with intercession in advance, and public decrees while in the region. These teams empower upcoming gifts in the region they go to. They confirm callings and empower leaders into greater authority. They come to support what is occurring but also to challenge into greater positioning.
Apostolic teams also carry one thing that really sets them apart and that is revelation. The team and company are both a living example of the revelation they are carrying. The team can release current revelation directly from God and also knows how to flow in the Spirit to make a harmonious meeting without breeches. They sense the Spirit’s desire for meetings and know how to steward those moments. The apostolic company traveling with them also has revelation but may not be able to fully present it. They may not know how to fully steward a meeting, so they once again rely on the team and the apostle they are under as the final authority.
Apostolic teams and companies show the functioning single corporate man. They show how to function together as the Spirit leads. They also show how unity multiples grace and authority, and causes impact. Conferences today are taking the place of apostolic teams but are not truly apostolic teams by Biblical pattern. The group called to speak at a conference has not been connected before the conference and have not necessarily been sent as a team or are under apostolic authority. They may act more as individuals trying to work together than a group appearing as a single flowing Body.  Apostolic teams and companies need to be released and embraced again so regions and cities can be impacted.

Seeking first His Kingdom
Audrey Hosley

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I (Audrey) had a recurring dream for a season of about 18 months where I was going through a forest (life) with Jesus holding my hand leading me. Over and over I would have this dream and one day we came into an opening and there was the Father waiting for me with open arms. I fell into His arms and still feel the warmth of His embrace. More about the dream at another time.

My eyes (Yeshua Messiah) are going to and fro seeking those who are seeking Me. I have given you vision to see ME. I am looking for those who have cried out and sought after Me and have turned from the ways of the world to seek Me with all their heart, all their mind, all their soul and all their strength. They have invested their greatest treasure, time, seeking Me; pursuing Me, following Me, sitting with Me, conversing, listening as I pour My heart into theirs.

I am reintroducing Myself to you as Lord and King over all. Where hearts have grown cold or lukewarm, I am rekindling hearts to burn for Me as First Choice and First Love. I AM First Everything – first breath, first thought, first word, and first sight. I AM Last Everything – last breath, last thought, last word and last sight.

I AM the First and the Last, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. This season you must choose your first Love. I am pouring out double portions on those who have prepared and enlarged their vessels to receive. I am rewarding those who have diligently sought Me. I am rewarding them with My presence flooding them as a thick forest.

I AM seeking My Bride whom I am revealing Myself to, for she has prepared the wick of her lamp which is shining bright; she sees Me - Her Bridegroom coming. Yes, My eyes are going to and fro over all the earth seeking the passionate hearts burning love for Me.

Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His Holy Name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore (1 Chronicles 16:9-11, NKJV). God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9; Message).

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Do You Believe - Then Receive

 Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world? Receive Him as your Savior today, every day and every minute! He loves and lives to save you! Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace? Receive Him as your peace and be His peacemaker! Do you believe that God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of Truth?

This is the season to believe and receive from God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Receive the baptism of the Spirit of Truth. Anything apart from receiving based on what and who you believe will not produce the works of the Father. Jesus said the work of the Father is to believe on the One whom He sent (John 6:29, 40).

What are you believing? Who are you believing? Don't live one more day lacking power to live a life believing and receiving all that God have spoken through His Word and Spirit for you! Receive Holy Ghost power to live the life of a witness of the Greater One – Jesus Christ!!!

Acts 1:8 - But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses to Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.